This is a Blog

of a media student

IM1 Lecture Week 3

I’ll keep this post short and sweet really. There was a lot covered this lecture, and I’m not going to lie to you dear internet, I did struggle to keep up. However, yep, there is a however. I did manage to get a few things. Copyright. How, especially in the world of interactive documentaries, do…

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IM1 – About Light

light from Rebecca Skilton on Vimeo.

IM1 – About Shadow

FILM/TV1 – about shadow. from Rebecca Skilton on Vimeo.

IM1 – The Absence of Light

light missing (2) from Rebecca Skilton on Vimeo.

IM1 – Reading Week Two

Well. “You have to absorb what you read.” Sounds pretty easy at first, but after barricading myself in the study, with no TV, music, or Facebook, I think I (maybe) got a handle on this one. This weeks reading was “Digital video and Alexandre Astruc’s camera-stylo: The new avant-garde in documentary realised?” by Bjørn Sørensen. Found…

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Week Two Reflection / Problems

Sketch Tasks?! So… a quick reflection this week. After checking out some classmates sketches, I’ve decided it’s time to step up! Some people have some really interesting cuts and angles, making a boring ‘square’ and ‘circle’ stationary object actually seem interesting – who would have thought, right? I’m a bit lost as to how all…

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IM1 – Square#3

    Untitled from Rebecca Skilton on Vimeo.  

IM1 – Square#2

IM 1 – Square#2 from Rebecca Skilton on Vimeo.

IM1 – Square#1

Untitled from Rebecca Skilton on Vimeo.

IM1 – Circle #3

Untitled from Rebecca Skilton on Vimeo.

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