This is a Blog

of a media student

IM lecture week #4

Some of the main points I found interesting from this weeks lecture. (And some random nots) 1. Why has reality TV become so popular? Why is it that we are so interested in seeing ‘real’ lives on TV as well as stories? – Reality TV, while there are elements that we find familiar, it’s also…

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Week 3 Reflection / Problems

Okay so this weeks problem I’ve decided to write about (I’ve had a few as always, but I solved this one) is pretty simple actually. Maybe I just had a brain freeze, because i’m pretty sure I knew how to do this. Yep, definitely had a brain freeze. So the problem was all about sound…

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IM1 – Moving Fast (Multi Shot)

Sequence 01 1 from Rebecca Skilton on Vimeo.

IM1 – Moving Slow (Multi Shot)

Slow Multi Shot from Rebecca Skilton on Vimeo.

IM1 – Moving Slow (Single Shot)

slow single from Rebecca Skilton on Vimeo.

IM1 – Moving Fast (Single Shot)

fast from Rebecca Skilton on Vimeo.

IM1 – Week Three Reading.

So this weeks reading was a bit of a long one…31 pages, but who’s counting, right? Oh wait, me. But it’s okay, for the most part it was a pretty interesting reading. Actually, the enjoyable part of this year, not just in integrated media, but in most of my classes, is that I’m finally starting…

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IM1 – Week Four Reading

Okay so speeding over these last few points before this post turns into a novel. (To be fair, the reading was pretty much a novel in itself first). The remainder of the article focuses on different types of film. Experimental film (Films that are independent of the big studio companies. They challenge the rules society…

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My Week Two Blog-Stalk

So, one of my marking requirements I have made for myself, is to basically stalk my friends blogs and check out what they’re doing. Okay, so i didn’t write it exactly like that, and there is a point to all this. Keep in the loop – check out what other people are doing, the standard…

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Blog-Stalk #3

Something we discussed in this weeks lecture was copyright laws. And I am not going to lie, this whole topic gets me confused. We talked about the Johnny Cash project, and how the public was asked to submit their own designs of a certain frame of the music video, before it was all brought together…

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