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of a media student

Film/TV2 – A&R One – Question Four

Listen to the first 10 minutes of Glenn Gould’s radio documentary, “The Idea of North”. The idea of North 10min.wav or Files are here (experimenting with different sizes and file types) If possible, use headphones.  Record your impressions in a paragraph or two. IMPRESSIONS: – Confusing – given no background or context as to what wil be spoken about…

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Film/TV2 – A&R One – Question Three

In this week’s lecture, scenes from Scott Ruo’s ‘Four Images’, Brian Hill’s ‘Drinking for England’ and Chantal Akerman’s ‘D’Est’ were screened.  Choose one of these, and consider, in a single paragraph, what might have intrigued, interested, displeased or repelled you. “Drinking For England” – Brian Hill  This week, a clip from Brian Hill’s “Drinking For England”…

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Film/TV 2 – A&R One – Question Two.

In 200 words or less please outline your goals, desires – what you want to get out of this semester. You will review this later in the course. Many will rethink this dramatically by the end of the course – this is a good thing. My goals and desires for this semester do not differ…

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