This is a Blog

of a media student

Blog Stalk // Week Nine

So this week on my rounds of blog stalking, I came across Maddie Roux’s Lennie.

Well, we all know what Lennie is (if you’re in media anyway.) So we’ve all had a go at creating a Lennie and testing out how we worked in groups together, so why has Maddie’s Lennie caught my eye you ask?
The opening few shots!
I really love how the viewer isn’t given the whole picture (or footage) of Lenny limping, but rather dragging feet along the ground, the holding of the hip… but never the face (not straight away anyway).
It reminded me of how in our IM lectures we are speaking of ‘gaps’ and how not giving the audience everything…not spoon feeding them, can actually be a good thing, as it leaves the to fill in these gaps with their own knowledge and experience.
For me, this was actually the most interesting Lenny I have seen as yet. The ‘gaps’, left me actually interested and intrigued…wanting to see who it was who was limping, and why they were. Another thing I liked about this Lenny was the fact that Maddie’s group had actually moved away from the script, giving the scene their own little twist – after watching a class full of Lenny’s it was nice to see something different – it makes it memorable!

rebeccaskilton • May 7, 2014

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