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Film/TV1 – Reflection 5, Question 1.

 Lecture 7 Lighting: What was covered? Do you think the content is relevant to your project? And why?

Week 7’s lecture covered lighting, which unfortunately I was unable to attend (but did get to go to the class later on that day, and discuss the lecture with friends). From what I have discovered through classmates and the class itself, was the discussion of not only different lighting techniques, but the result of good lighting (and bad), and the effects it can have on our projects. Some of these techniques that were covered included the three point lighting concept (which I was able to do some extra reading on), natural and un-natural/artificial lighting (soft/hard lighting).
How lighting is used to communicate and manipulate themes, moods, and characteristics of places and characters, was also discussed, as well as the setting up, moving and safety issues involved with using lighting on set.
The idea of the continuity of lighting was also spoken about, in order for scenes to maintaining fluency, despite being filled with artificial light.

This content, as everything we discuss within the lectures and classes is extremely relevant to our projects, as lighting is something we ALL have to deal with. For our group specifically, we are filming inside over the course of one day. However, like most scenes shot, the film will not take place over the course of the day, but rather in a short amount of time. Unfortunately for us, lighting inside the house will alter throughout the day, so not only are we going to be dealing with dull lighting, but we will also have to focus on maintaing fluent and appropriate lighting, in order to create the illusion of the film only taking place in a few minutes, rather than the 8 hours which we plan to shoot in.
This lecture/class/discussion was able to get us familiar with the equipment needed, and basic lighting concepts used in order to complete our short film.

rebeccaskilton • May 18, 2014

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