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Film/TV2 – A&R One – Question Five

Listen to the audio you recorded in Tute #1. Write a paragraph or two about your recording from a technical and/or “poetic” perspective.  

What these sounds evoke for you.  What associations they have. 
Do any of your recordings suggest images?  What might they be?  
Do any of your recordings suggest the possibility of other recordings?

After listening to all our sounds that James and I recorded last week, I guess the first thing they evoke (or the associations that I make) is the time that we recorded them. Mentally, I imagine the moment we recorded them, how we went about deciding what to exactly record, where we sat, what we spoke about – what topics we covered – both relating to Film/TV2 and our everyday lives.
For the sound of us walking up the stairs, I am taken back to the discomfort I felt in my legs after walking six or seven flights of stairs.
For the track of the crossing signals, I imagine the flocks of people crossing the road, and am reminded of my thoughts at the time – “wow these lights go for ages…”
A similar situation appears in the tracks for the pool game and the basketball game – I am reminded of how we went about obtaining the audio – the people we asked to record… their questions, etc.
All our tracks definitely give off the vibe of a city location, and even in my mind scream the CBD. Personally, I don’t think that they suggest the possibilty of other recordings as alternative sounds within the tracks are, for me, background sounds – not particularly anything that should be focused on.

rebeccaskilton • July 28, 2014

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