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of a media student

Film/TV 2 – A&R One – Question Two.

In 200 words or less please outline your goals, desires – what you want to get out of this semester. You will review this later in the course. Many will rethink this dramatically by the end of the course – this is a good thing.

My goals and desires for this semester do not differ greatly from those of last semester (as I was seemingly unsuccesfull in achieving them).

Through the completion of this semester, I would hope to improve my technical abilities in regards to camera and audio use and in turn have my confidence boosted in the subject and said areas.
Non-fiction work is something that I have not looked deeply into, or have given dramatic attention too, having always been persuaded by the art of fiction. Hopefully, this semester will open me up to a new world – how to think, write and communicate ideas and meaning through and for documentary.

I would also like the completion of this semester to assist me in developing a clearer outline for career goals – what I would like to do post my university career. Whether this be a career in film – or not – as long as I am able to establish a sense of direction, I would feel as though this course will have been a success.

rebeccaskilton • July 28, 2014

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