This is a Blog

of a media student

Blog Stalk Week 6

This week on my creep around Integrated Media blogs…
I actually went back a few weeks here and stalked around Tiana’s Blog, and checked out her ‘things that define me’ video.
I always find it really interesting that when we’re asked to tell people about ourselves, we either become insanely shy or incapable of finding a suitable description of ourselves.
Tiana mentioned that she had this problem when needing to film her ‘describe me’ video’s.
When I watched Tiana’s video, the thing that first caught my eye was the camera movement – it’s so smooth and flowing, very easy on the eye and is cut really well. But aside from the technical qualities of her clip, her content is really good – better than what she probably thinks.

I’m going to move away from talking about Tiana’s post specifically, as it is more of a platform to start generating ideas from.
However, I think that in not being able to describe who we are, we are describing who we are. It will always be the small things that make up a person.
Anyone who has a conversation with you for more than five minutes will generally be able to get a reading of you – what sports you like, hobbies you have and TV shoes you watch (the latter will generally be found out after 3 seconds of having a conversation with me).
But I think it’s the small stuff, the things we don’t think about that speak loudly about who we are.
To the way we hold our camera when we’re filming, to the speed of the shots. The time of day the clips are filmed in… are they filmed inside or outside? What are the predominant colours?
The things we don’t think about are what truly tells people who we are. We are after all, only ourselves when we aren’t thinking about who we are. We all have that person who we want to be in our mind. We can’t always be that person.

rebeccaskilton • April 13, 2014

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