In representing myself, I was drawn to documenting aspects in my “immediate world”. My photographs were (unintentionally) all from within my home. Within this, I was able to express my enjoyment of breaking free of the everyday simply by capturing my collection of jackets/bags.
When it came around to sharing my blog post I chose the “Red Hat” perspective, prompting my peers to suggest immediate feelings or “gut instincts” when viewing my work.
What did others say ? / was it useful? / was it difficult?/ what could you improve ?
It was interesting to see how others had interpreted my work, but as it was such a personal task it was initially challenging to show my work. I found this made less awkward because the people in my group provided feedback without disregarding each other’s feelings and appreciating (having the completed the task themselves) the challenge of expressing themselves and being asked to “think outside the box”.