Go go gadget Zzzzzz

Listening to the radio news this morning whilst on my way to my favourite local cafe for a quality caffeine hit and satisfying feed of smashed avocado, I heard something that freaked me out a little. A recent study, by communications regulator Ofcom, has found that on average  ‘British adult now spends more time using media or communications (eight hours, 41 minutes a day) than they do sleeping (eight hours, 21 minutes)! Hearing this I thought to myself, ‘omg, how can people be so obsessed with their phones, laptops and tablets that they’re on them more than they sleep?’ However, in actually thinking and writing about this, is what scares me even more is the fact that on some nights of the week, this is even true for me! I use my phone to text and call family and friends, as an alarm, to use instagram and Facebook, as a stopwatch and music player at the gym, my laptop for uni assignments and note taking, to watch movies and tv episodes and the family iPad for quick and easy access to search the web for things like train timetables and local events and festivals. So, really once its put into prospective, using these media gadgets slightly more than or equal to one’s times spent sleeping is really just living life.

Click Here for the full article including more recent statistics about technology in today’s society

Source: Google Images

Source: Google Images


Copy me, copy you, copy that, copy who?

Yesterday was our our first symposium that was run on the basis of questions developed and asked by students and then in turn, answered by our tutors. Focusing on one of the greyest areas of internet use; the wrongs, rights and maybes of copyright dominated our discussion.

Beginning with question, ‘How much freedom do we have when discussing someone or someone else’s work?’, Adrian talked about the technicalities of defamation, the way in which it is dealt with as a crime and the ways in which to avoid it. Throughout this segment of the discussion, I found the most valuable and insightful advice Adrian had to give was to simply know the difference between critique and opinion. Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, yet it’s pretty common etiquette to refrain from shouting it out at the local shops. So why should anyone have to read it on the internet? With the way that links and tags are ruling the online word, shouting your self proclaimed opinion in an ear width of strangers is now no different to posting it on your personal blog or Facebook newsfeed.

Following on from defamation, Adrian gave us some much needed insight into the do’s and don’ts of copyright law. Now this was confusing stuff! It really made me question how anyone produces anything textured or interesting on the internet and how blogs in particular have become so well established when what made them so popular in the first place was in fact their ability to share, comment and extend on presented ideas and visual content between one another.

In class today however, Jason Tseng made things a little bit simpler by comparing it to jay walking. Everyone does it even though its technically an illegal offence. However, most people have the common sense not to jay walk across the Monash freeway, across the Westgate bridge, or even through a four way intersection. That, to put it nicely, is just stupid. Similarly, although everyone may post a photo or two off google that they don’t credit, or link a home video of the family cat off vimeo without the producers permission, however most people will not try and claim the footage of the latest Batman film as their own.

Its a confusing world in here guys. Just remember, as yo mamma always said ‘its always better to be safe then sorry’


Sitting on the tram this afternoon I overheard a woman on the phone behind talking to a friend. Not at all meaning to listen in on their conversation, however there was one thing that she said that sparked my attention.

“She’s not a very social person, she doesn’t even use Facebook”

This got me thinking about what it now means to be social. With social media sites now such a integral part of our everyday lives, what does that mean for those who aren’t on board? If someone doesn’t have an account with at least one of the social networking giants such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, does that immediately make them antisocial? Or does this just make them ‘indie’?

You many not be bilingual, but you can be biliterate

Sitting on the train this morning, reading this week’s content I realised that I was quite literally surrounded by everything that Adrian Miles was talking about in his piece about ‘Network Literacy’. Looking up from my laptop, almost everyone that was on the train was holding some sort of electronic device capable of enabling the user to read, write or listen to anything that interested them on the web.

Yet whilst reading up on the differences between print and network literacy, it made me think, for the amount of people that pour their time into the online world, how many of them actually understand it? How many people are simply ‘computer literate’ yet are naively ‘network illiterate’? With the world now being so technologically dependent, print literacy is fast becoming next week’s topic in your weekly highschool history class rather than something that is being taught and practiced on an every day basis.

Being biliterate, therefore understanding and practicing both print and network literacy is now something that is a necessity rather than a unique, personal characteristic. Unlike the real world, in the online world of websites, RSS, HTML, blogs, links, search engines, tags, subscribers and live feeds, writing is not about who wrote it, but about what is written. Throughout network literacy, you are what you write.

Merge the lines of reality, blur the lines of photography

Just a recently a friend of mine has got me onto this website called 9Gag. I’d heard of it before and had seen links to it throughout my Facebook newsfeed every now and then but I never really took much notice of it. That was until I started this blog, which through the need for interesting weekly posts, has really helped motivate me to take notice of all the quirky websites that are out there yet I have previously ignored on a daily basis! Full of interesting facts, comedic political cartoons, memes and a load of unique photography from around the world, this website has a little bit of something for everyone.

For me however, it’s the amazing photography that intrigues me the most. With photography being a big passion of mine and hobby that I unfortunately rarely have the time to enjoy, I absorb as much as I can from cool photos that I find flicking through 9Gag along with other students blogs, and tumblr pages.

The link below is of the work of a photographer who has completely taken advantage of, whilst perhaps also subtly mocking the convenience of the iPhone camera. Throughout these images, this photographer has taken a very unique and quirky approach to ‘iPhone photography’ by perfectly blending the images of TV and film characters with images in real life. Is what I really admire about these photos is that despite being quite a simple idea, the product is extremely effective by being both humorous yet artistic and has very possibly been able to do so on a very affordable budget!

With the newest iPhones now containing an 8MP camera, equipped with flash, true tone capture, image stabilisation and many more tools and modes that were once only available on regular digital cameras, the images they capture aren’t too far behind your average DSLR. And of course with one of these snazzy iPhones in hand, every man and his dog claim to be a photographer. Maybe its just me, but the steady hand, the perfect symmetry and the widely loved tv characters, this photographer is also having a crack at everyone out there who has an iPhone and is apparently the next Terry Richardson, Ansel Adams or Dorothea Lange.



Mind Bloggled

Blogs are everywhere now. Almost every single company, organisation or business will have some sort of media department. Whether it’s to simply advertise a brand through imagery and video or to provide a platform for engagement and communication between manufacturer and consumer, blogs have become an essential tool for reputation development. From the ideas and concepts presented in the week 2 reading of Network Media, I am now beginning to become fully aware of just how important the development an online persona is in the world of today. Unlike websites, through the use of blogs, we are now able to interact with our readers. Blogs enable much more than just a presentation of information like that of a novel, search engine or diary, but become a portal for creative communication of ideas and thoughts and provide an environment for people to extend their thoughts through that of other readers, irrespective of location. Here is a link to a blog with the most recent statistics on social media in Australia http://frankmedia.com.au/2014/06/02/social-media-statistics-australia-may-2014/

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