Film Review: Spike Jones – ‘Her’

Original. Unexpected. Creepy. Modern. Radical. Intense.

These are only some of the words I thought after watching Spike Jones’s film ‘Her’. Based around lonely and socially withdrawn divorcee Theodore, the film follows the life of the love letter writer as he struggles to understand ‘love’ in a world that has lost it’s grip on technology. After Theodore purchases the latest talking operating system fully equipped with artificial intelligence designed to adapt and evolve, he finds himself falling further and further in love with his virtual system. Always available, supporting, caring and fun, Theodore loses complete sight of ‘Samantha’ as a production of extensive technological development and instead sees her as his lover. Blinded by his aching loneliness after his split from childhood sweat heart, Theodore becomes disorientated with normality and removes himself from reality in order to feel and be loved.

With both a beautiful music score that perfectly embodies the themes of love, companionship and the need to find humour somewhere in between and a captivating colour palette of tonal reds pinks and oranges, this film is brilliantly original in what you see, feel and hear.

Yet as unusual and unlikely as the story of ‘Her’ may be, there is no denying the plausibly of some of the concepts Spike Jones imbeds throughout the duration the film. The story of Theodore, lost in love and the extensiveness of the technology that surrounds him, certainly made me question what is store for us? Do we find comedy in this film because of the genuine humour or are we simply trying to laugh off the subtle hints of a possible future? Through a unique blend of comedy and romance, Spike Jones presents a very thought provoking film in a quirky yet heat warming way. 


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