Hedgehog Love: Pre-Production Planning

Our filming will begin this week and we have made great progress with our script. As the cinematographer in this project I have started to create a shot list that we will use when we are filming. This is really useful as it allows us to visually have an idea of what our ideas and mood boards will look like on the screen and it provides a good blueprint for our shots. It will also be useful for us in saving time as we can continually cross off the shots and we can clearly see which shots will be next and how it will be filmed. When I have finished a rough idea I will get feedback from the group and we can all see if it is following our goals of this project and if it will be able to capture the lighting techniques also.

During our groups planning process we mapped out the style and mood that we are aiming towards for our project.  When creating the shot list I continued to look back on this and to our group discussions so that I had that in the back of my mind when writing it. Our mood board was also very useful for me to have a better idea of the framing and blocking of the scene and what types of shots will be used. I found that most of our shots will be close-ups and mid-shots with some long shots – more so towards the end, especially in the final reveal. I made sure to discuss with my group my visual ideas and get any feedback. The shot list is flexible and can be changed during the production as I am only going on the evidence of set pictures.

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