Week 12: Initiative

Our last project for this semester is nearly coming to a close. Looking back over the past few months, there have been so many projects or group work that have enabled me to practise and develop my skills further. While also learning the theory work that has helped especially when thinking about the audience. I […]

Week 12: Lectorial

Last Week! This semester has gone very fast, today was already our last lectorial. We completed a learning blog during this time, where we reflected on the semester. This graph followed the code given below: ORANGE = Technical Skills- including blogging, audio recording, video recording and audio + video editing.  PURPLE = Conceptual / Theoretical Skills- involving theory/research, […]

Week 11: Initiative

People are more active in what they engage with and . Everyone’s own social media accounts, whether that be Facebook, Twitter or Instagram is personalised. The user makes the decision on what their site will appear like or focus on that will be shared with an audience. They make the choice whether their content will be […]

Week 11: Workshop

In this weeks workshop we did an audio recording and editing exercise. Where we needed to creatively explore the idea of our individual obsession and attachment to personal media devices. My partner and I decided that we would do it on someone trying to talk to their friend but that person is so distracted and engrossed […]

Week 11: Lectorial- Guest Lecturer

‘Television, Streaming and Audience Fragmentation’   In todays lectorial we had guest lecturer Dr Ramon Lobato speak us about recent changes in the television industry. There has been a dramatic shift as broadcast and online television as expanded significantly over the past 30 years. I used to use Netflix to watch movies but not any […]

Week 10: Documentaries + Perspective

THE GRIZZLY MAN (2005) Recently, in my cinema studies class we have been focusing on documentaries. We watched the documentary “The Grizzly Man” (2005) directed by Werner Herzog. This documentary is told from the perspective of Timothy Treadwell and the director. Treadwell shot over 100 hours of footage over a period of 13 years living in […]

Week 10: Workshop

Some of the notes on sound in today’s workshop were: STORY:- categorical/rhetorical, fact/fiction. Plot Opening/establishing/conflict/resolution Setting Narration Motif Theme Character Development Tone/mood Motivation SONIC: Voice- reading/scripted, observational, studio, interview Voice over Impromptu Archival Foley Sound effects Location sound Studio sound Atmospheric sounds Spot sounds Music- stings Diegetic Non-diegetic Timbre Nostalgic sounds We also watched another […]

Week 10: Lectorial

Today we had guest speaker Kyla Brettle, who is a radio feature maker and lecturer in media production at RMIT, and she came and spoke to us about sound. With our audio project fast approaching this was a really helpful lectorial. She was able to provide some helpful tips on putting an audio piece together which […]