Week 8: Workshop

In today’s workshop we were able to watch other people’s interviews and give feedback. The questions I asked were:

  1. Is the music too loud in parts?
  2. Does it flow?
  3. Does the text work?
  4. Do the pictures work with the video?

I was worried about the music being too loud in some parts as it gets louder which would draw attention away from what my interviewee is talking about. The feedback I got was that it worked well and they did not think it was too loud and you could still hear what the interviewee was saying. In my fine cut I still may lower the audio of the music slightly just in case.

The feedback I got about the text was that it helped the video and as the interviewee doesn’t repeat the answer in the question all of the time it really helped the flow and made it clear what he was being asked.

The pictures also added to the video and helped them to understand the interviewee more and the cutaways all worked well.

The extension will help me to finalise anything and make sure if there is anything to improve on I can. I think in my fine cut I will take all of the feedback I received and it help me to finalise the edit. I will also go through and check if I need to colour correct any of my footage, maybe the outside scenes in case their is too much light, and the music as mentioned above.



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