This weeks reading called “The Age of the Essay” discussed the role essay writing plays in the education system and its usefulness later on in life. This got me thinking about how strange it is that in such a digital age, we are taught over and over again the structure and significance of traditional academic essay writing yet where in my schooling was I prepared for this conversational chit chat forum we called a blog? Here I am, completely comfortable discussing and debating the intricacies of deep philosophical questions in thousands of words, yet am now a flailing fish out of water when it comes to a few casual lines of chit chat? What do I even write about? How do I use the blog? What are the boundaries? ARE THERE EVEN ANY BOUNDARIES?
Before I become infuriated and go full hulk in my living room at the school system for failing me, I then wondered how they would have taught me? Seven years ago barely anybody knew what a blog even was. Even if they did educate us on networked media and how to use it, by the time we finished school would it still even be worth knowing?
Technology and the internet is moving so quickly that keeping up is close to impossible.
So where does that leave us? And that question I cannot yet answer however after next week’s symposium I am hoping for a few answers…
me navigating the blogsphere