So the biggest question out of the symposium and in to the tutorial today was, what is a neutral technology? Although Adrian provided us with some very in depth examples and discussions, this concept still flew straight over my head and it seems everyone else’s. It appears that the idea of a neutral technology is different to each person, and Betty helped us get some insight into her ideas about it:
When we defined neutrality we came up with the phrases ‘not involved’ and ‘not motivated’…. like Switzerland we said. So applying this definition to technologies, we discerned that it means the technology does not relate or provide any cause and effect with anything else in the world…
Safe so say i don’t think we could list one neutral technology that we know of… although i do believe there are neutral technologies out there even if it just means we don’t know about them. Everything is interconnected and interrelated.
Jason suggested that some technologies are more neutral than others however it was heavily questioned as to whether or not neutrality can work on a relative scale as such. Personally, i think everything functions on a relative scale and as Betty also agreed, nothing is absolute – even though we are brought up to believe they are.