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fellow bloggers

Sometimes i believe it is easy to get sucked into our own blogs and what we’re doing, however i believe being a participant in the blogosphere is a two way street and it is just as important to search out for the blogs of other’s. I like to think that others are reading my blog, so why shouldn’t i return the favour?

So this blog i have decided to dedicate to the blogs of others!

Karlee Gonzalez (who’s family name i’ll always envy) is on the same page as me with her post Copyright Confusion which makes me super glad to know I’m not alone in that regard!

Tilly Graovac, an old pal of mine, never fails to make me laugh with her funny finds at the RMIT campus seen in post Grow Up.

And finally, to you Maddison McSwain I say don’t stress!! Having just completed the HTML test i can assure you not to worry as you are doing in your post HTML – help!

Cheers to good company!

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