While my first picture in my ‘self portrait’ may just be an image of my room, it probably summarises my life best. Unorganised.
My next image is one of a runner, because I never sit still. That also isn’t to say I never stop exercising (its rare I ever start). I just don’t like being bored. Ever.
My next image is of course food, but fruit in particular. One time I ate an entire basket of plumbs in one night. That was a good Friday night.
My last image is one I took from my front verandah. I live in Eltham all the way out in the Green Wedge, out in the sticks.
My first video is of my dog Rusty. I like to think he is me in dog form.
Fun fact: I won Worst Morning Person on year 12 retreat
I also like to warn people of my imminent arrival. Similar to cats, I too like to wear bells
Audio PlayerAnd finally, on those rare occasions that I do sit down, you will hear me tap tap tapping away!
Audio Player