Assignment 4 study 7 statement

Now, simply changing the background color, saturation, and brightness of the video is relatively easy for us. But in this work, I want to have some deep study in non-tactile interaction. I tried to control the automatic transformation of the video by non-tactile interaction. In this study, I used the ‘jit.hue’ function to read a video file which can test the function of the program by starting with brightness, contrast, and saturation. Second, I set up an audio file, which is a piece of music used to automatically control the video. Once the music is played, it can simultaneously control the color, contrast and saturation of the video. This is a program that witnessed the connection of MSP audio signal into jitter and is also an interesting interactive system. Through continuous experimentation, we can see that the video shows a piece of audio and a video, the color of the video, the saturation can be automatically changed by the audio playback.

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