M5 Project 2 – Practice – Photography – Photoediting

I had an original concept drawing of a women’s face (fig 1) surrounded by flowers with a poem drafted. The piece is about taking bad situations and creating something positive (a garden within). The piece evolved into a photography work and my first editing attempt wasn’t great (fig 2). I really didn’t/don’t like the placement of the flowers or how it’s composed, overall it doesn’t really capture my vision.

I jumped on Youtube and found some really great resources (which I will link below). I did a re-edit after watching the tutorial and love it so much more (fig 3). The composition is great, the flowers could still use some work because they are a little cut out, which is fine for a collage based effect but I’m not sure if that’s road I want to walk down with this piece however overall I’m much happier with it. I played with the idea of putting a whole garden just underneath not jumping out (fig 4), I don’t like the colours too much the greens really class with the peachy shades and I feel like it looks a little bit lazy, however it has given me an idea for another piece. I also experimented with putting a image of a building underneath (fig 5) I like it more that figure 4 however I know it’s just because of the colours. I think having a building underneath just changes the original concept too much and doesn’t match up with my original poem.

What I’ve really learnt through this process is however to work smarter not harder. I wasted a lot of time on my first attempt, which is a mistake I will not repeat, there are so many learning resources on Youtube which I will continue to use throughout this project.

Youtube Videos

Photoshop Tutorial: Flowerful Portrait Effect

Other Youtube Videos I Want To Experiment With

Flowerful Head Effect – Photoshop Tutorial

Plant Face Portrait Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create a Powerful, Text Portrait Poster

Brain In Head (Photoshop Manipulation 39) – Lazy Tutorials

Double Exposure Effect – Photoshop Tutorial


Fig 1 – concept art        Fig 2 – 1st editing attempt    Fig 3 – 2nd editing attempt

Fig 4 – Garden inside                   Fig 5 – Building inside

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