This week we formed groups in class, each focusing on one particular subject matter to do with the West. I joined a group made up of Cini, Riley and Harriet who had decided to explore the Women’s Circus, who’se base is in the Drill Hall in Footscray. The biggest challenge in the studio so far has been choosing a subject that I had genuine interest in and would want to create something worth while. Upon hearing about the Women’s Circus and then conducting further research I knew it was the right choice.
First and foremost the Women’s circus is a non profit organisation that welcomes any member of society who identifies as or has lived as a woman or identifies as non-binary. The Circus started as a place of solace for women who had faced domestic violence; it was a place for victims to express their emotions through physical movement rather than words. Throughout the years it has evolved into classes for children and adults a-like; productions are held almost every year, with two being held in 2017 with great success.
Today we contacted Penelope Bartlau, the current artistic director asking to conduct a meeting with her to discuss our project and the Women’s Circus. Due to the strict time schedule of the semester we wanted to make significant head-way into the planning of our project as there is much to consider.
So far this is the rough idea for our project:
Title: Behind the Curtain: The Womens Circus
Platform: Interactive Website (most likely
Featuring: Photographic Profiles on performers & Historical mini-documentary with a current and/or past employee