I chose this studio, ‘Untold Stories: People, Places and Open Spaces’ on an impulse connection to the name. Upon further reading of the breakdown I knew it would be a study that was of interest to me, as in my opinion people’s untold stories have always been endlessly fascinating. There is nothing quite like a good story, one that you will always remember, whether it be yours or someone else’s. It has a very high chance of becoming a part of you in some way or another and I like exploring the sentiment of that notion. What I would like to get out of this studio is a proficiency in technical photography. I would like my primary medium to be photography and wrote interviewing. In previous studios the main focus was on film making, which I enjoyed, yet I feel as if there is a large gap in my knowledge of photography – a medium which is extremely important to be practised at in the industry of media. I have explored film making and have enjoyed the way that you can utilise motion image to capture the essence of a person or a place, yet for me photography will always be more intriguing and a skill I wish to work hard on in this semester. What I have noticed over the past three years of this course, the common denominator if you will, is that I have enjoyed interviewing the most. I love sitting down in front of someone and disassembling what they seem to be, who they want to be but mostly who they really are. I hope to combine detailed interview pieces with the mystery of photography in an interactive exhibition, possibly involved with other mediums too such as painting or film. To conclude, photography and interviewing will be my main focus for the semester.