Is the only thought that is going through my mind. All I can think about is once that chain is unleashed from me, and I’m free to run bare I will… I will. I can see the place now with my very own eyes, I can feel the other free folk around me, I can’t wait to feel the breeze running through my hair. Nothing feels quite the same way as being released, with nothing holding you back, no cord, no thoughts, no worries. When we’re in the same place, the other living people around me also feel the same, I know it because I can see it in their faces. If you photographed me now you’d see how happy I am, see how I turn to my friend and smile as they laugh at my happiness. It’s getting closer, I can see the green trees, I can hear the river running, I can feel the wind getting harsher against my skin. I pull against my cord, wanting to be free, and finally with a click… I am. I run as fast as my four legs will allow me to. I start panting, I don’t even know which tree, to begin with? If you were here you’d see all this free space and you’d understand my excitement. A stretch of green grass for me and others to run, run, run around in? What is better than that?
I turn and run back to my owner, who ruffles my fur and gives me a pat calling me a “good boy” which I know to be true, I hear it all the time. My friends bark at me to come play so I do because nothing feels as good as this day.
Oh didn’t you know? Didn’t you see? Are you seeing through fog? I’m a domestic dog.