A man in light blue jeans, black and white Nike sneakers and a black shirt gets on an old school tram. He’a wearing oval shaped bronze wire-rimmed glasses. He has red hair with a cast of brown in it. He has a small tattoo on his inner arm. He has a patch on his maroon coloured backpack of a white skull against a blue backdrop saying “RAV”. He is of average height. Everyone else is looking down at their phones or looking blankly into space without purpose. This man waltzes up to the standing area of the tram, rests his arms long against the window sill and gazes out, a simple smile on his face. He has black headphones in, maybe Metallica is playing, maybe Beethoven, maybe the stones. It could be any of them. Rarely do people look so simply happy, rarely can the true appreciation of simplicity be seen on a person’s face, rarely do we look up to even see the appreciation. This man, with his bronze wire-rimmed glasses, his silver band around his wrist, his bright red duffle jacket, and his simple smile is just gazing. Other people are looking too, but none of them are gazing like this man. It’s the first proper warm sunny day in a while, it’s like a breath of fresh air. It’s something simple we as humans must appreciate, but we don’t. But he did, and maybe now so can you.