“Vic” By Holly Karas
What I enjoyed most about Hollys PB3 was her use of found footage in the beginning. It really gave you a sense of excitement before you even began watching the interview. I also enjoyed that she used Vics original music in the background, giving the audience a better understanding of who she is and what her music is like.
“Take Your Chances” By Samuel Harris
Sam, you’re good at editing and it makes the rest of us look bad. The way Sam edited his video together was pretty seamless and made it look very professional, which was pleasing to watch. Not only that but his use of found footage integrated really well with the original footage. Pains me to say it, but for a lad, you did good mate.
“PB3” By Isobell Roberts
For me, what I found most interesting about this interview was the fact that I was having a genuine look at what the interviewee’s life is like, her outlook on her profession and how she tackles the challenges in her life. I think due to the fact that Isobell allows her interviewee room to talk and delve into her ideas without many audio cuts, achieves this.
May 2, 2016 — 3:49 am