When we had the screening of our films in front of the entire class, I tried to tell myself to be calm. Pretending you don’t care is the first step to actually not caring, right? A quote by David Letterman springs to mind:

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Now, courageĀ is easier talked about than done in practise. Seeing my work up on the screen, with everyone watching it made me think about it in a new perspective. It made me more critical, in-fact, it made me entirely critical of my work. I could only see flaws with my work. I’m sure I was being overly harsh with myself, as we all are when we release a piece of art, especially when it is personal. It gave me fantastic insight into how I can look at my work next time I am editing. I canĀ take a step back from my own bubble and really look at my work with eyes that are not mine.
Whilst I didn’t love the experience, the fact that everyone had to go through it and the fact that it was only a minute long helped ease the pain.