Well, I think Adrian indirectly confirmed the answer to part of my questions posed earlier this morning.
Which way is it going? It’s going down. Is there hope? We are yet to see. As Adrian pointed out, Traditional media isn’t doing anything right. It’s not adapting, or becoming contemporary media. It is what it is, traditional media, and it seems that the place in todays society for it is smaller than it has ever been. Sometimes, admitting defeat, or being wrong is something that needs to be done. Traditional media is wrong. It just needs to admit it and materialise into something more thanĀ traditional media if it is to survive.
The biggest and most powerful bodies don’t always live the longest (Have a look at these guys for example, in comparison to their buddies). Resilience, adaptability and innovation are skills and practices important to survival. Traditional media has always been about power, sure some innovation in its invention and introduction, but primarily power. And Control. Those who don’t think they can lose control will lose it in the end.