The NBN Lives On, For Now

Thanks to Jake Baldwin for this blog post, from Paul Budde, who I linked to in an earlier post about the NBN. I received an email this morning from the creators of the petition to save the FTTP NBN from the coalition, indicating that Malcolm Turnbull had officially released the planned investigation and review of the current NBN. What Budde says in his blog is 100% correct. The fact that the coalition are willing to perform a review that is “apolitical” and “technologically agnostic” is promising, no matter how honest these claims are.

We can only hope that the Liberal Government will enlist the helps of the appropriate experts around the world that are able to contribute to this issue and offer advice and first hand experience to both the government, the Australian people and NBN Co. Hopefully following the analysis, a more effective and efficient rollout of a similar network (One that’s FTTP) will be agreed upon and Australia will receive the infrastructure boost it deserves.

This is exactly what we need to keep up with the ever growing network and cloud computing. There’s no point storing everything in the cloud without fast internet speeds. Imagine backing up terabytes of data from back-up drives to the cloud or servers in the network with our current internet speeds? Don’t laugh, people do it, all the time. It takes a lot of time and resources. The NBN gives us a chance to improve our business operations as well as personal activities.

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