The unlecture is now sitting comfortably in its third week of running, perhaps not comfortably, but I’m hoping its going to settle. This week, I was a little disappointed, as I was impressed with the direction the sessions were heading in. The redeeming factor was the discussions and elaborations during the second half of the unlecture.
I don’t blame the unlecture for this stumbling block (although I’m not sure it was a stumbling block, more of a learning curve), I don’t blame the pessimists and haters either, it’s just unfortunate that some people are defensive towards change and won’t begin to explore and accept new horizons and possibilities.
To think that such a valuable time for learning and personal growth was spent addressing a question such as “Why should I attend this irrelevant spiel” is saddening to say the least. I was a little bit disappointed at the fact that Adrian’s response had to happen, I feel somewhat responsible, being part of the student body, but I think it was something necessary. Hopefully now after this happening people will loosen up a little and let Adrian and his methods swim around in their brains for a little while.
That’s the first really negative thing I’ve had to say about the course. That’s promising. But it wasn’t really a negative, maybe a blessing in disguise. With that in mind the discussion, by Elliot in particular, was a great platform for reinforcing what we talked about in our tutorial. That the aim of the course is not to teach a specific skill-set, but rather teach you how to learn and adapt to the new skill-sets required to exist not only in our contemporary world, but into the future and beyond.
Furthermore, the discussion from Elliot, Jasmine and Adrian about Design fiction and its relevance in our world was positive in helping reaffirm the idea of planning for the speculative future. The example of mobile phones really but into perspective just how widespread the effects and possibilities of technology can be as well as touching on exactly how different the advancements in technology could possibly be if the speculation happens during design, rather than after it.
Obviously this speculation is something that occurs, particularly with new technologies such as the mobile phone, smart phone, etc, but it is often not as liberal and free as the fictional world. This presents shortcomings and delays possibilities from becoming realities, as these new uses and methods relating to the technology are reactive, rather then proactive.
Right. That was a rather large one. I feel sound in my understanding of the concepts explored so far. Let’s wait and speculate as to what the future of Networked Media will hold for us all.
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