
If you have read my other blog posts, you would know how much I’ve struggled with these first projects. I’ve always known that creativity is a muscle that needs to be exercised, but I never knew how hard it would be to get that muscle strength back.

My filming for this project was all on my iPhone, and I can see that all my video shots were way too dark with a very shaky hand. This made me evaluate the shots and I had to ask myself if I needed to reshoot, or if I should just deal with it.

The answer? Video effects. Using a contrasting “grainy” effect on the first video and a red filter on the second, I was able to salvage my night shots.

it seems to me that everyone struggled with the pacing regarding the photographs added into the video. This was a hurdle for me and I combated the erratic feel from the video by enhancing it using sound. This is why I have the photos repeating and so sudden. If you can’t beat them, join them.

I did end up having to re record my sounds to fit with the flow of the piece, creating the piece to fit the sounds was too difficult and seemed too backwards.

Transitions were hard. I felt far too basic doing so many cross transitions, but I found that they worked for my content. One part I am very proud of is my cross zoom into the moving lights section of my video. It worked much better than I could have anticipated.

In regards to the context of this piece, I struggled attempting to portray myself in a abstract manner. Something Brian mentioned in this weeks lecture reassured me though. He mentioned something along the lines of “A snapshot of you, in this time” not particularly of every aspect of you, but you at this present moment, you RIGHT NOW. Through my creation, I found a theme of nature vs industry. You can see many pictures of flowers, trees but juxtaposed against images of cranes and machinery. I set out with a clear idea of using nature as a theme and the industrial side came in without planning, so I found a new idea through creation.

I am in a very transitional stage of my life at the moment, so I think that’s well represented by the three videos of people walking.I’m headed down a new path, and beginning a new life cycle and this is where the tarot cards come into play.

As for the program, I was scared out of my mind to use this with no guidance, but I discovered that it was the best way to find my way through the program. Using Premiere was so intimidating at first, and though I’m not a proficient at it yet, I have hope that I’ll be able to use it more creatively next time. I had major issues in the beginning trying to figure out how to edit specific media, using colours and video effects, transitions and volume. Basically, everything was difficult until I scrapped all my content and started again.

Going forward, I’ve realised how important it is to have a creative idea in mind before starting a project. I had no direction and no theme when I first started out which resulted in re shooting and re recording most of my media. Even so, I did find a new theme during the creation of my project that I had never thought about and continued with and I’m really happy with the end project.

As usual, because I’m a paranoid person, password for the video is media1

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