
Media walk around time.

Five of us set out to look for the media surrounding Fed Square, should be easy enough.

Up High:
– Australian Flag
– Advertisements/ Billboards (Both social and commercial)
– Building branding/logos
– Digital banners
– Architectural design

Mid Ground:
– Media on the Information Centre

On the Ground:
– Tiles in Federation Square
– Text on the floor
– Warning signs
– ACMI and SBS are synonymous with Fed Square

– Music coming from bars
– Branding or advertisements of Flinders street and trams

– Tram stop graphics of the city

In Your Hand
– Facebook use
– Instagram use


I promise I’ll upload the super exciting recording I got this afternoon… When I figure out how to do that.

Progress Report

So an update on my self portrait.

I’ve had a rough start.

I struggled for days thinking about themes and abstract representations until I realised I just needed to take some lame photos to get me started. From these lame “arty” shots I started with, things are emerging so its looking up. I think the sounds and videos have been the hardest for me, its difficult to abstractly film or record a representation of myself.

The 5

The 5 things I want to learn at the completion of this course and completion of the degree? Here goes..


1 – basic editing skills/tech skillz
2 – develop my critical thinking skills
3 – create… something?
4 – industry understanding
5 – production knowledge


2 – round off my industry skills previously learnt (see above)
3 – improve my creative writing skills
4 – all aspects of sound/film/tv/photography
5- Networking skills

I know, it seems pretty bland and general.

I want to get into the film/tv production side of media, and there are so many areas and departments that I kind of want to try them all. I think the first up is to get the creative juices flowing again, after we were given the “self portrait” gig I’ve struggled to get back into the creative mind.




So apparently I am a little behind on my blog posts. I am the first to admit that I don’t use social media well, or to its fullest capacity so blogging is going to be a challenge for me so I’ll try to be more on top of it.

I’m just going to start with some thoughts about the first weeks readings and see how that goes.

Hyper Attention vs Deep Attention

Many different streams of stimuli or one focus?

For me, I can’t really consider myself to be one or the other and I would say that there are a lot of people out there that would say the same.

I can’t listen to music and study or read at the same time. It’s impossible. For physical or social activities? Definitely, but not for studying. I need deep concentration, and it works. However, when I learn I prefer to have different forms of information presented to me, I need discussion, visuals and direct teaching so I consider that to be the Hyper Attention part of me.

We are still figuring out the education system in regards to catering to the needs of individual learning styles and now we are looking a new generation with a whole new style of learning depending on how technology advances in the coming years.