So… What is it?

  • Creative
  • Innovative
  • Thought – Provoking
  • Engaging
  • Interactive
  • Multifaceted
  • Commercial
  • Storytelling

Media being interactive is something that stood out to me.

Media can be physically interactive sure, but socially as well. We talk about it while we watch it, we think about it after we have seen it, we read about it and discuss the different points we have read. We read media texts every day, and not just for uni right?

As (hopeful) future media makers, we can see the exploration of our peers and try to sense what they are communicating via their medium, then watch them develop and re work ideas until they get the message across.

obviously with Capitalism there is always going to be a dark side. Mass produced advertisements are always going to be around and even if you don’t like them, you still talk about them.
An ad that offends you is presented, what do you do?

This social interaction you have, either via social media or “IRL”, is a media conversation. This is the text you are discussing. You may not ever win your battle with the company that produced that ad, but you sure as hell won’t give them any money – So their media had an adverse effect, but it was still effective to you in some way.

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