The Listen Collective



After weeks of attempting to get in contact with the social collective at the forefront of womens rights in the music industry – The Listen Collective – we finally managed to lock down an interview with one of their volunteers.


Interviewing Rachel Cox proved to be a pivotal part of our feature, as she offered some interesting perspectives on our topic and enabled us to take a more in depth analysis of the frameworks of the music industry.


We decided to record the phone interview directly through the console at the 3RRR studios, so there wouldn’t be a double handling of recording devices and to reduce noise in the interview. This proved to be ideal, as we were able to grab the audio straight off the desk and begin working it in to our feature straight away.


Hoping to have the feature finished by Monday (ahead of out live to air) this meant that the weekend would be filled editing the piece and getting it polished by the R.W.A.V show.


Here’s to hoping.


Having planned and locked down most of our interviewee’s, we headed to the 3RRR studios to get a final practice // run through before we present next week.


The songs have been picked. The scripts have been written. The run sheet is planned.


I am confident in our groups planning and I believe that this round of R.W.A.V will far exceed our previous attempt. We have our feature well on the way, which will definitely engage audiences and spark a genuine interest in our program. We have also picked two different local organisations to interview which are both left of centre and quite ingenious.


I just hope all this planning pays off.


Having been informed by Sam that he would like to hear a rough copy of our final feature and play it to the class for critical analysis, I came into the Monday lecture apprehensive to play the rough cut.


Having only started to edit the feature in the days prior, I only had approx. 1 minutes worth of audio completed, with the rest still in fragments and out of order.


After playing it to the group, it was greeted with relatively positive views and opened up a few questions which ultimately sparked the group to delve deeper in our edit to highlight more poignant points in the final edit.


The feature also managed to spark a fairly full on discussion pertaining to the policing of drugs at music festivals, with the class quite evenly divided on the matter.


After playing our feature and organising the dates in which the class would meet to get the presentation organised, we took off and headed to the 3RRR studios to practice ahead of our final live to air for the semester.


Having gained most of the material for our feature, aside from the interview with the Listen Collective, it has come time to start editing the piece together – to have a rough cut ready for this coming Monday.


This process will take some time as we have over 1.5 hours worth of recorded interviews with both Bruce Thomas and Carolyn Worth, as well as all the ambient sounds and music.


Already we have made a 1 minute intro to the piece, that just needs to be re-dubed with a female narration and then we can begin to work on the body of the piece.


The process is beginning to feel a little like this though…


Almost There

2nd Last Week.


In todays lecture/tutorial Sam cam around and touched base with all the groups about our upcoming feature which are due in 2 weeks time and also to get a rough roster for the R.W.A.V panel happening after the semester ends.


It was good to get in contact with Sam about our feature, as he gave us a contact for the Listen Collective – a group of non-binary individuals who’s aim is to bring equality into the live music scene. Our aim is to contact one of its members, conduct an interview and insert their perspective into our finished feature piece.



Live To Air II – SONGS

Having switched roles from our first live to air – I will now be the online producer. This roles is pretty broad, but includes the choice of songs for the live to air as well as all the relevant online delivery of our program.


The songs I have picked for our second live to air are:





The choice of songs relate quite well to the trajectory of our live to air. Although some of the songs would be considered to be quite ‘alternative’ or ‘weird’, I believe that they will interweave perfectly with the content we have to deliver for our live to air.


Having organised most of the relevant interviews for our feature, it came time to head out and interview Bruce Thomas – Senior Investigator at Ballarat Police Station.


We chose bruce as an interviewee as he is one of the senior police members who head out to Rainbow Serpent each year to police the festival – the same festival which harboured 4 sexual assaults in 2016.


The interview went relatively well, although Bruce and I did clash on our opinions of the way in which drugs are policed and looked upon in our society towards the end.


I was able to grab some great material off Bruce that would be able to be used in our feature and that would add a counterpoint to the opinions already made by Carolyn Worth from C.A.S.A.

Assessment Overview

Having been out of the classroom for almost a month, due to public holidays and our live to air, it was good to finally head back and discuss the relevant material we would need to complete all assessment tasks for R.W.A.V.


Having focussed a lot of my attention towards the live to air and the interviews pertaining to the feature, I have managed to both overlook and neglect a few areas of assessments that need to be addressed – namely this blog and the online delivery on ROAR.


Having Sam walk us through precisely what we would be assessed on and the types of content & standard that both he and Bruce would be looking for has enabled me to gain a clearer perspective on what needs to be done before the end of semester (which is only 3 weeks away).


I am hopeful that I will be able to address all the relevant criteria and produce content that both reflects and addresses all the hard work I have put in this semester and what is expected of me.

A Roar-ing Good Time

Completing the Live To Air was one thing.


Getting the file uploaded to the ROAR site was another. Having a program that only accepts mp3 files under 100mb proved to be a major inconvenience as we bounced the audio out as a .aud file.


The result of this was one of the group (me) having to make a return trip to 3RRR to bounce the file off the logger as a .wav file, compress it and then upload it to the site. This process not only took a long time (5 hours) but highlighted the flaws in the ROAR site.


It has now been successfully uploaded, but I can safely say that I have lost a decent part of my soul to the process.


After deciding on the trajectory of our feature piece, it came time to head out and interview the relevant individuals that would comprise the main expert body of our piece.


Heading to Bentleigh East to meet with Carolyn Worth, I prepared approx. 20 questions pertaining to sexual assault at music festivals. Having no idea what to expect, and feeling slightly out of place being a male asking these questions, I entered the building with some apprehension.


This apprehension was soon forgotten when I met Carolyn and began asking here the questions. This interview was more of a fluid conversation that touched on numerous key points about sexual assault and resulted in 45 minutes worth of audio.