This week saw the symposium style lecture put into action! After constant discussion about the new ‘unlecture’ format, it was refreshing to finally get down to business.

These are my key takeway ideas from the Q&A:

//Why bother with design fiction if you’re not a designer?

You don’t need to be a designer in the pen and paper sense to engage in design fiction. Being a designer is about developing a “toolkit for dealing with complex problems”. You can literally attempt to solve problems before they occur in the future by simply asking “what if”.

//What will the future of networked media involve?

It will enable us to “make things and build a reputation in our chosen areas free and easily”. We will continue to publish our own content instantly in an arena that can be viewed by everyone with an internet connection. Perhaps the difficulty will lie in users sifting through information and content overload to find quality content.

//How will we get paid in this industry?

THIS was my favourite point: “You must sell the experience, not the product!” In the modern age where everyone has the ability to be a content producer and self publisher it can be hard to make our work stand out. So we need to sell the fact that we are ‘experts’ in our field and provide something extra that the everyday person cannot deliver.