For my Niki this week, I’m working on an interview with Vint Cerf.

So who is he, what has he done and why is he important?

Who is he?

An American computer scientist regarded as one of the “fathers of the internet”.

What has he done?

-Was fundamental in producing the first commercial email system connected to the internet
– A founder of ICANN (IP)
– Vice-president + Chief Internet Evangelist of Google
– Helped developed IP
-Key role in development of the internet and related data packet and security technologies

How does this relate to the internet, digital media and networked media?
– Email is an important function of the internet
– Connects people
– Easy communication method
– Email forms part of our networked society

Significance of what he has done?
– Won the US Presidential Medal of Freedom that recognises his work on software code used to transmit data across the Internet has put them “at the forefront of digital revolution that has transformed global commerce communication and entertainment”
– Large significance to the digital world

– Looks at the future world with every device being smart, connected to the network and location aware

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