Don't Worry, I'll Liv

Adventures through media

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Does three act structure matter?

My favourite podcast Sanspants Radio Presents: Movie Maintenance recently released an episode titled “Does 3 Act Structure Really Matter?”. Being the dedicated fan that I am, I listened to the episode straight away. I found the discussion very interesting and particularly… Continue Reading →

Project Brief 3

Post one Post two I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the assessment declaration.

PB#3; Work-in-Progress

My work-in-progress example of my exploration toward creating a screen story is an excerpt from the Ink screenplay (below). ——————————————————————————————————————————————– SCENE ONE. EXT. DAY. A distressed looking mother tugs a suitcase in one hand and holds her young son’s in the other…. Continue Reading →

Who are we?- Characters

Aaaaand we have some characters! I have been developing the main man of my story for a while, and am now happy to say that he is (almost) a three dimensional protagonist. Have a read below to ~discover~ who else is appearing… Continue Reading →

PB#3; Responding to Feedback

In this post, I write a respond to feedback I was given for my concept in a conversationalist way. Feedback: If you didn’t know already (and maybe you do) this is a fan fiction trope, i.e. the tattoo appearing on… Continue Reading →

Theming World

Our reading from Screenplays: How to Write and Sell Them by Craig Batty has inspired me to apply the questioning of the author to my own construction of world. This is part two of four, in which I dissect my ideas and develop… Continue Reading →

Writing for my world

Below is my first attempt at setting the scene and tone of my world. Whilst this is only a first draft, I like the ideas behind it and look forward to developing it further. Scene one. Ext. Day. A distressed… Continue Reading →

Pitch Perfect- Log Lines

In today’s post, I adventure into the world of pitching and try my hand at using various tools. Log Lines Read on to observe my attempts at log lining, a tool Kathie Fong Yoneda explains in chapter three of The Script- Selling… Continue Reading →

Structuring World

Our reading from Screenplays: How to Write and Sell Them by Craig Batty has inspired me to apply the questioning of the author to my own construction of world. This is part one of four, in which I dissect my ideas and develop… Continue Reading →

Ink: stylistic inspiration

My work-in-progress screenplay, Ink, is set in a world where significant aspects of a person’s character and symbolic life events appear in permanent ink on their skin. Below is a gallery of some photos I found inspirational when thinking about… Continue Reading →

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