Adventures through media

Author oliviastaffieri

Self pity with a New Plan

I must admit, I am very far behind in all aspects of my life at the moment. After a very stressful year last year, I promised myself that 2015 would be a new year for (yes, I know it is… Continue Reading →

Genre in Film

The word genre is defined as the style or category of a work that denotes or relates to a particular theme. When we go to find a movie to watch, genre is often an important factor in our ultimate decision…. Continue Reading →

Picnic at Hanging Rock; a discussion

Over the weekend, my parents travelled to Hanging Rock for a concert. “Don’t go for a picnic” I warned, having previously heard of the infamous “Picnic at Hanging Rock” tale of warning. On Sunday night, my parents returned (unharmed) and… Continue Reading →

Project Brief #2

When I asked my family and friends what they would expect to see in a video compilation to act as a “self portrait”, I had many answers. “You in some weird outfit, dancing around” and “you falling asleep in random… Continue Reading →

Lectorial Reflection #4

Today’s lectorial proved to be the most insightful one yet for me personally. I specifically took interest in the discussion on why we are doing this course and editing. The first speaker prompted me to contemplate the reality that you… Continue Reading →

An un-posted memo from last week’s workshop

The following is a piece I wrote after last week’s workshop, but forgot to actually post! Editing with help from Fernand Léger, Dudley Murphy and Walter Murch In this week’s workshop we were given a small task; to edit a… Continue Reading →

Workshop Progress

In this week’s workshop I began work on Project Brief #2. Using an editing software, I am to compile video, audio and photographic stills into a one minute presentation that will become a self portrait. As I have realized with… Continue Reading →

Pop Culture cross-post; Cult Classics

This week in Popular Culture studies, I examined an artefact that I wanted to talk more about here. Pop Culture is dependent on a shared belief or idea, so it makes sense for a community to form based on mutual… Continue Reading →

Lectorial Reflection #3

Tuesday’s lectorial focussed on issues related to copyright, experience in the field and logistics. Hearing from people who have worked in the media industry was very helpful as the speakers offered anecdotes and proved to be very relatable. The lectorial… Continue Reading →

Project Brief #1

As a child, and even still today, Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland has been a huge source of inspiration for me- I love the quirkiness and stories of escapism. I have been collecting hats since I was about 10, so… Continue Reading →

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