Adventures through media

Author oliviastaffieri

Creating worlds with colour- Disney Case Study

  Disney Palette Over the span of 70 years, Disney has crafted their own “Disney Palette” of proprietary colours they use to create worlds and stories comprised of over 3,800 colours with as many as 60 new colours added to… Continue Reading →


Post one Post two Post three Thank you! 🙂

Influence from a Screenplay

PB2 POST THREE Reflection My favourite task in this studio so far was reading Courtney Hunt’s screenplay, Frozen River, and then watching the film adaptation. This exercise felt very hands-on as I got to see first hand the behind-the-scenes work (the… Continue Reading →

Writing and Reflecting

PB2 POST TWO Writing exercises #1 Photostory treatment writing Image 1: Having arrived outside his university, the student jumps of his bike and heads towards his building, not sparing a moment to lock it properly as he knows he is already… Continue Reading →

STOP: Collaborate and listen

PB2 POST ONE  “I always find that if two (or more) of us throw ideas backwards and forwards I get to more interesting and original places than I could have ever have gotten to on my own” (Cleese, John 1991… Continue Reading →

Kong: Skull Island- reinventing a much loved movie world for the screen in 2017

~This review is a continuation of my decision to take more notes on screenplay as I once again spend way more time than I should watching movies.~ I didn’t expect much from this movie. I am tired of the endless… Continue Reading →

Lion- replicating the world as experienced by real person for the screen

I am an avid film watcher. After every film I see for the first time, I write down a short review on a few cue cards I keep in an alphabetised order. Well, that’s what I AIM to do anyway,… Continue Reading →


Today’s class discussion mainly revolved around the discussion of tone and the internal logic of a world. Having Courtney Hunt’s Frozen River screenplay as a reference was a useful tool in this discussion as it is so rich in both tone… Continue Reading →

Yee olde schoole

I have a confession to make…. Please, bare with me. My embarrassing first year ramblings shall forever haunt me here, and I always seem to be uploading new posts when I haven’t got the time to properly format them…. Continue Reading →

World Building 101- Potter style (Project Brief 1)

To further my knowledge on all things world-building, I decided to use our class discussion of “what makes a world?” and apply it to one that I am very familiar with. By doing so, I aimed to develop a better… Continue Reading →

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