If there is anything that this studio has drilled into me, it is that I am  improving my organisation techniques. I’m not quite where I’d like to be, but I am definitely better than I was when I first began my adventures in media. The collaborative process is different every time I am regrouped for an assignment, however my group struggled with communication and sharing the workload. In the future, I would like to continue working on my organisation skills as I recognise that I am no way near perfect, however I shouldn’t be doing everything alone. I often feel overwhelmed due to the wide variety of information, and become paralysed when attempting to choose what is relevant to include in a given project. Having group members look at my work and add their ideas usually helps with this, but I soon learned that my group members were unwilling to give constructing feedback or even contribute to ideas on the story they had thought of originally. I have resolved to communicate with others about the content of my material more thoroughly in the future on group and individual projects, and make it clear from the outset that everything has to be a group effort. I understand that it is a busy time for everyone, but in the end I learned that several group members were just straight up lying about their absence or how much they’d actually contributed. I really struggled to manage such a huge amount of cast and crew on my own, and it was difficult having to act as director, camera operator, runner, producer and everything-else-er on set while keeping everyone comfortable, fed and happy.