Having learnt about lighting in class, my group was anxious to get started. We had planned several lighting set ups, which in the end proved too ambitious as not only did most of the group not know how to set up a light but apparently I am the only one who knows how to focus a camera. Because I was running all over the place on the first day of our shoot, I would only be in the room at sporadic times. This meant that whenever I wasn’t in the room, no one was recording anything. I don’t know why that was the case as everyone seems perfectly capable themselves, but that is the way it went. WIthout Rohan helping other group members in the cyclorama, I don’t know if we would have ever finished shooting that day. Our group had some disputes due to a miscommunication over which scenes we were shooting and when (which could have been avoided if anyone actually read my shooting schedule and call sheet, jussayin’) which meant that although we had planned elaborate lighting set-ups, on the day we just had to work with what and who we had. I had bought a blue police light which we had planned to have flashing against the red dido lights on the cylorama wall, but in the end it was only a cheap light that barely produced any noticeable effect. We had to ditch the idea of using the police light in the end and instead insert it in post production.