Being a perfectionist, I have resigned myself to believe that I will never truly be happy with any work that I have had to produce under time constraints. Personally, I believe that I put a lot more effort into this than my group members who would consistently leave everything up to me. Although this thoroughly disappointed me, I can’t say that I was surprised as I seem to always get left with the brunt of the work in group projects. I feel like I was the only one who felt personally responsible about the work and embraced the fact that we were making something that wouldn’t just reflect on ourselves, but on the band as well. I was thoroughly excited to begin this project, but it became hard to keep in good spirits when I was constantly being told that others “didn’t care”. Considering I organised the band and all the cast and crew were friends that I managed to wrangle in, I bought almost all the costumes, food for the shoot days, wrote the call sheets, made almost the entirety of the pitch slideshow myself, made the intro graphics and most of the original editing that was ultimately replaced, I feel responsible for the final product of the film which I am disappointed in. Although I had work commitments, I should have been there for the final edit as none of the problematic parts have been changed despite me being told they had. I’m worried that the plot doesn’t make sense, and after showing some family and friends it is very clear that not only is that the case, but there are some glaringly obvious mistakes in the final edit (in particular, the error message that flashes across the screen half way through). I thought I could leave the last edit up to someone else as I honestly did not have time to come in and do my original work all over again, and although I appreciate the fact that it was finalised, exported and submitted, I don’t believe the final version aligns with our original ideas. There were several problems in the production of this music video, but I believe that they could have been combatted if everyone was enthusiastic and tried their best. There are definitely good moments in the music video- I love the framing of several shots, the different colour effects and some funny moments that were captured well, but the final product does not reflect the best efforts of everyone in our group. I personally don’t feel confident with this work and am not looking forward to revealing it to the band who were so co-operative despite being left in the dark and receiving hastily written rude messages from my group members. If I had this opportunity again, from the outset I would put meeting with the band and working on ideas together as the priority. It is harder to be proud of this work  because it wasn’t completely horrible- it has it has the elements of being a really good music video, but not the heart, which makes it harder to accept. In conclusion, I don’t like being this negative but all that I have written is just my honest opinion.