Wow, I have a LOT to write about to get this blog up-to-date! It has been a very hectic few weeks during which we have faced setback after setback. These obstacles have tested both our patience and dynamic as a group, and individually have tested my ability to restrain from pulling out handfuls of hair. In the post below and those to follow, I will list (some of) the problems we encountered and the process we took to overcome the challenges.

Problem #1- Availability (or lack of)

The Traffs are a soul/funk piece of eight. All of the eight band members work in retail positions that require extra hours from them during the Christmas season, which made it impossible to tee-up a shooting date that would suit all of them. We resolved to shoot over several dates in the hopes that having a few options would mean we get a chance to film everybody, even though they wouldn’t all be together. While this proved more effective, the lead female and male were unable to commit to the hours we required them for. Thus began the mad rush to find suitable replacements.

Resolution- I get by (With a Little Help From My Friends)

I was able to organise a friend from high school to play the female lead, and a friend from uni to play the male lead. This was all well and merry until I learned that for every date we had chosen to film, one or more of my group members would not be there. Once again I picked up my phone and called in favours. I managed to rope in my boyfriend as a runner, his roommate and my cousin as extras and the lead female’s boyfriend to help me with lighting. I contacted my best friend who is studying a bachelor of fashion at RMIT to help us with hair, make-up and costuming. My brother agreed to assist with the car scenes, volunteering his own car and driving skills.