Does three act structure make a screenplay predictable?

I tend to agree with the boys on the podcast; every film naturally follows a three act structure. Films can change linear order and mess with structure, however there are always (as far as I know) a beginning, middle and end of every story. Having a three act structure does not necessarily make the screenplay predictable as although we know the general outline of the arc, every story is unique.

Three act structure for TV shows

Structure is a vital concern particularly for TV shows which aim to keep an audience watching for a long period of time (over several years or however long the course of the show runs). I have noticed myself that a lot of shows begin to suffer when they ignore structure for the sake of fan-pampering. Game Of Thrones is a great show with lots of interesting characters and story arcs, however a lot of time in the very long episodes is spent just filling the gaps with things that do not affect the plot. I love Arya Stark as much as the next GOT fan, but I really didn’t need to watch a whole season of her sweeping floors and arguing with “the faceless man” so that she could ditch the creepy guy and move on with her story int he final episodes. I understand that the things she learned while there will pay off but I highly doubt there needed to be THAT MUCH FLOOR SWEEPING which disconnected me from her actual arc.

That is all from me for now,
