Production Preparation Part 1 (Tuesday, 22nd of August)

This week has been rather uneventful in the This is Serial studio. In our first class on Tuesday, we found that we weren’t going to be getting an improved version of Cam’s script based on our feedback (as we had been told). Not only do I question what they are doing with their time (for this studio), if not writing, but I also wonder if they understand that collaboration means they should take on our feedback, and work with us. Anyway.

We began the process of assigning roles, for the shoot this coming Monday the 28th of August. Everyone had a semi-preference or idea of what they wanted to do or didn’t want to do and so it was an easy process. Initially, I said I would like to try out the combined roles of First AD and producer. Not long after though I changed my mind and decided to be the second sound recorder (alongside Gianella). I want to challenge myself, and taking on the role of First AD/producer (which ended up being split into separate roles anyway), would have done that. I changed my mind though because I didn’t want to have too much responsibility when I have had very limited production and set experience in the past. I will make sure I volunteer for this role in the future though because I don’t want to limit myself to things I am comfortable with.I am still happy to be a sound recorder. It is not nearly a responsibility-less or brainless role. It’s just less stressful because given the nature of our filming, and that I will not be doing it by myself, I think it will be harder to completely muck up.

I am still happy to be a sound recorder. It is not nearly a responsibility-less or brainless role. It’s just less stressful because given the nature of our filming, and that I will not be doing it by myself, I think it will be harder to completely muck up.

We also scouted out some locations for the shoot. With RMIT’s recent renovations there is a good selection of areas that could be an office but aren’t overtly a university. Finally, we looked into casting actors for the shoot. Brydie, a long-time theatre actress, made a list of potential actors she knew who we could cast. We initially toyed with the idea of casting ourselves as cast, and there was a focus on myself as potentially playing Liz. I’m glad in the end that we’re going with actual actors because while I wouldn’t have minded acting for one episode, I’m not a great actor (or even a good one). Also, I couldn’t have any substantial crew role in production. Plus, I think it’ll be awesome to see the script in the hands and mouths of strangers!


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