Episode reflection

Episode reflection

I’ve already reflected on our initial episode one, but given it’s more recent additions I think a re-reflection is required, as well as a reflection of our second episode.

So: our finished first episode. While the added in scenes do look different, in their lighting, location, and maybe even filming, I still think they help the episode make more sense and generally better. I especially like the soda machine line, I think that worked out really well.

Technically, I think there were a few issues with sound being too quiet. A few scenes that were fine in the original sounded quieter, so I think the lapel mic tracks must have been removed in the second edit because of rustling (maybe). I think it sounded better when it was louder, even with the rustling.

There was also an issue with the sound (and lighting) in the hallway scene. The lighting was ambient (i.e. just the normal hallway lights), and fine for most of it, but towards the end it’s really dark and hard to see the actor’s faces, which isn’t great. Also, the cutaways to the doors didn’t work quite like I imagined. I like this scene but I pictured it slightly snappier and faster paced. They were also too dark sometimes.

Narratively, I think the whole spin/call Arabella/cancel the spin joke goes on far too long. Maybe I’ve just seen it too many times, but I think it could be half that length. On that note, I think it’s hard for me to be really critical on this episode because it’s been milling around in my head for so long. At this point I’m just a bit sick of thinking about it to be honest!

Here’s the final episode 1:


On to episode 2, slippery business! I do quite like this episode. I think it’s funnier. I really like the interaction between Arabella/Christian and I think we filmed those scenes really well. I think the style and humour is a little more developed in this episode.

I don’t think the dark hallway lighting is such an issue in this episode but it still isn’t perfect. I really love the tomato being kicked down the hall, especially that thudding sound!

In terms of the garden scene, it’s a real pity the lens was so dirty. It’s a noticeable difference and detracts from the scene, but overall, I still like these scenes and I think, while the garden was very busy, it still looks nice. I think the Twizard dialogue drags on a bit, but I genuinely do like the interaction between all the characters outside, and even though we’ll never know what that scene has to do with the greater plot, I still think it was a funny addition.

Episode 2:


Overall, these episodes don’t resemble the short, fast paced, witty web series I had hoped to or imagined making. I think even these episodes themselves could be broken up further, or just contain less complex narrative. I still like them though. And after all, even if there is a lot left to be improved and even if this is far from being “good quality”, it’s a starting point. No one is going to make a technically and narratively amazing series on their first go.

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