Working on our second prompt (Week 4)

Working on the second video in our dialogue with the writers was fairly different from the previous time. We were responding to written content, rather than creating something from nothing as we were previously doing. Our groups were also different- bigger, but with more roles as we were using DSLRs with sound recorders and had three actors.

We all had many ideas about plot lines and jokes in response to the characters the writers provided us with. As a class, then in our two groups, we discussed how we could see the web series and episodes panning out, and what we liked, disliked and needed clarification on regarding the characters. We all really like the idea of a mockumentary (like The Office, Parks and Recreation or Modern Family). I think comedy, while difficult to do really well, seems a lot more achievable and probably enjoyable to create than drama. Even if the characters are otherworldly, the setting of an office is rooted in the every day and we can combine the humorous aspects of vampires and clones with the relatable humour of office work and politics.

With this in mind, we decided a good option for format could be a vlog style video, along with more “normal” filming of the office environment. We quickly decided on a scene to craft, which we could bookend with vlog videos. We decided to film the vlog section on a laptop, as this would ensure it looked like an actual vlog. We then filmed the middle section of the video on the DSLRs. Unfortunately, there were more people than there were roles, so not everyone got to participate in the filming (beyond watching and commentating). I was an actor, and so while I was involved in the discussion and planning process (as we all were), I didn’t get an opportunity to use any equipment.

We finished filming in class and decided to stay back and try to edit it quickly together. We soon ran into some trouble with the sound being out of sync on the laptop videos, something to do with the sequence settings we decided. It took us an hour (a very frustrating hour) to work out how to get around the problem and we learnt our lesson- do not film on more than one type of camera!

I ended up finishing the editing myself at home. I really enjoy editing and I would love to learn more about post production. I think editing in a group can be frustrating, not only because people may have differing opinions but also because people have different methods, shortcuts, and processes that they like going through. I am slower at doing some things but I still know what I am doing (with the basics at least) so I sometimes get exasperated when people try and show me their way of doing things as if what I am doing is wrong, or as if I don’t know what I’m doing. It’s not a major issue but something that I noticed in this exercise, as I have in the past. I will have to work a way around this frustration as group work in post-production is inevitable and crucial.

I am looking forward to hearing back from the writers after our latest video. I also enjoyed being able to give written feedback. I think the dialogue is going well so far, but we will really be able to tell in a few weeks’ time when the episodes are due to be written. For now, I’d like to be able to talk to them in person and brainstorm with them about the show. I’m excited to hear their ideas and where it will all lead.

Here is our video:

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