Marvel 05/04


The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is not something I knew much about. Sandy, Alex and I made a very complicated diagram of the connections between all the content, mostly from Sandy’s brain.


This gigantic universe was born out of the post-credits scene in Iron Man in 2008 and since then has been growing exponentially. I was fascinated how the release of a film could alter the world for a TV show in the next week but not the other way around. And that the more recent films, without any knowledge of the previous films would seem garbled and foreign to a new audience member. So not all the films are entry points. It’s like you are privy, as an audience member, to a secret world that not everyone else is. I can imagine how that’s compelling but I also imagine that it’s very complicated to create.


We watched Captain America yesterday and it was bizarre, a hyper cheesy movie about a super soldier (in my opinion, as I’m sure many disagree with this statement). All I kept thinking was ‘Why do people love superheroes?’ There’s something so Greek about it all, Grecian gods. 

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