Week 9 photo- Yellow

How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

I authored this image using my iPhone XR rear facing camera and the camera app that is built into the phone itself. This photo was taken in Williamstown when I was down there filming for another project. I didn’t have many constraints as it wasn’t a busy area which meant that i could take some time to frame my shot nicely. The only real concern that I has was with the shadows in this shot but that was it. In Instagram I decided to use the ‘Lo Fi’ filter because I thought it added some nice contrasts to the colours which made the image pop a bit more. I never use Instagram filters on my personal account because I find them a bit useless for the sort of content I usually post, but in this instance it was actually quite nice.

How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

I only took 2 photos of this door before deciding to post it. The reason that I only took 2 was because it was a very simple shot and I knew that I had somewhat decent framing when I clicked the shutter button. Therefore my selection process was really easy because I pretty much had 2 of the same images to choose from. I think this helped with any doubt that would’ve been in my mind about the quality of the image because I only had 2 to choose from. I also decided to put a simple caption for the photo due to the simplistic nature of the image at hand, and I also put the location of the image so that people know where I was when I took that photo

How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services? 

I distributed this image to both Instagram and Tumblr the day that I took the image. I emailed myself the image so I could post the image onto my Tumblr, although Instagram has the ability to share images on various apps, I myself do not have the Tumblr app on my phone so it was easier for me to do it this way

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