This first photograph is of Norton’s friend who happened to be outside building 10. I thought the image came out great, as the subject isn’t doing too much in terms of striking a pose. I asked him just to stay where he is and just snapped a photo of his raw emotion. I also took the image at f2.8 to give a shallow depth of field which helps to isolate him from the background. Being a photographer myself I love to take portraits of people and I personally think that a person doesn’t necessarily need to be doing anything special for the photo to turn out great.

The next image I took was of a bright yellow staircase near building 8. This photo to some might seem very simplistic but that is what I like about it. What I was aiming for in this photo was for the viewers eyes to be guided up towards that cone at the top of the image. Being a photographer myself straight lines is something that I always look for when framing a shot. I want your eyes to start in one part of the frame, and move to somewhere else. I also thought that the cone at the top of the stair case made for an interesting subject

The last image I shot was of an RMIT staff member walking towards us as I took the shot. I like this photo as there are clear straight lines that lead us to the subject. As well as this the area that this photo was taken was quite dark and the only real light source was coming from above. I think that this gives a sense of isolation from the busy expectations of RMIT. The only thing that I think could be slightly improved was if the image was exposed so it was slightly brighter, but it is also the darkness of the image that helps to convey the sense of loneliness


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