Assignment 4- Post 1

In week 9 our group presented our social media campaign to the class as well as the sensis people. The information and feedback we received from fellow class members and sensis gave us some good ideas on how to further improve on our work. At this stage in the production process, we came to the understanding that we could polish our work in a few different ways. For me, I was in charge of creating the graphics for our carousel posts with the aim of providing quick and factual information to our audience whilst also keeping the visuals aesthetic through design choices. Although the feedback I received on our design was good and people liked the colour palette adopted, and the information being shown, we lost a sense of factuality due to the fact that I had not included sources for the information being used. This was something that I rectified by making sure that every graphic I had created had the appropriate reference for the information used. This was a bit of an oversight for me as I did not think that without a source the information is no longer plausible. Once adding the sources, I believe that it helped to validate both the information or statistics and further emphasized on the importance of mental health surrounding cyberbullying. At the start of this project our group decided that we wanted to stay anonymous with our social media page. This was due to some of us not wanting our faces to be shown for privacy reasons. We thought that at the time this would be a good idea as we could interact with our audience anonymously and not have to worry about confidentiality. However, the feedback we received from the class highlighted that it may be in fact more beneficial for our audience to meet the people behind the page. In hearing this we created a post called ‘Meet our members’ in which all of us provided a photo to post on our page to our audience. This move was quite constructive for our project as we felt we had created more of a trustful relationship between us and our audience, with the intention of getting more of our followers to answer questions on our polls. Another addition to our page was the inclusion of a link tree at the top of our bio. The sensis people highlighted to us that its all good to provide information on cyberbullying but the information becomes obsolete if you do not provide guidance on where to get help or who to turn to. The link tree adoption was a great addition for us, as we are able to provide links to websites such as R U OK? and Instagram’s anti-bullying protocols. This helps to add another layer of advice and guidance to our audience and ensuring that the materials we provide to our audience is being used to its maximum capacity.

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